Dorothy E. Zemach Composition Writing Manual
Taken from Read to Write Compositions, this bilingual Composition Writing Manual introduces key elements of good academic writing. It covers a range of topics including opening and closing sentences, transitions, and basic punctuation. Each explanation is followed by a series…
Douglas Moore & David Barker Read to Write (Second Edition)
Read to Write is a collection of reformulated learner writing designed to provide Japanese students with extensive comprehensible input of the type of language that teachers ask them to produce in writing classes. Covering basic topics such as self-introductions, family, and…
David Barker English Writing Manual (Second Edition)
Taken from the Read to Write series, this bilingual manual explains the basic format of English writing and the mechanics of English sentence construction. It addresses the problems that cause the most problems for Japanese students including the rules for using capital…
Mutsumi Kawasaki & David Barker Read to Write Junior
Read to Write Junior is a collection of adapted learner writing designed to provide young learners with models of simple English sentence writing. The model paragraphs cover a range of topics including self-introductions, friends, school life, and pets. As they…
Bricklin Zeff & Douglas Moore Read to Write Plus
Read to Write Plus is a collection of adapted learner writing designed to provide students with models of the type of language that teachers ask them to produce in university writing classes. The example paragraphs cover a range of topics…
Ian Munby & Dorothy E. Zemach Read to Write Compositions
Read to Write Compositions takes students beyond the paragraph and introduces them to the basic principles of academic essay writing. The models follow a two-paragraph format that provides a sense of structure without overwhelming the reader. Learners study the models…
Dorothy E. Zemach Read to Write Email
Read to Write Email provides learners with a series of model email messages on a range of common topics. Learners read through the examples and identify useful phrases, formulaic expressions, and basic sentence patterns that they then use to write…